University of Lampung Is a great place to study communication. Undergraduate Program in Communication has limited space and a high number of interested students. Prospective students must apply for admission through The University Admission Office. More detailed information are available through the link below
Admission requirements
As stipulated in the University of Lampung statute the entry requirements for undergraduate programs at University of Lampung including Communication Studies is:
For Indonesian citizens
- have a diploma or certificate of graduation from the upper secondary level schools or equivalent;
- have the skills required by Unila according to the type of program to be entered.
For foreign nationals
Foreign nationals can become Unila students after fulfilling the requirements in accordance with the laws and regulations.
As a state university, Unila applies a student admission method that has been regulated by the state education authorities. There are three modes of admission for new students implemented by state universities in Indonesia, including Unila, namely SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and Mandiri.
- SNMPTN is an abbreviation of Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri or the National Selection Entrance to State Universities. This mode of admission, commonly called jalur undangan (invitation mode) is implemented to facilitated students who have high academic achievements in their respective schools. Admission criteria are based on student report cards from semesters 1 to 5.
- SBMPTN stands for Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri or the Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities. This pathway of entrance use Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK) emphasis on scholastic and academic competences. The test was held simultaneously throughout the country (nationally) and the admission criteria are the test scores gained.
- Mandiri (independent) is a admission mode held independently by a state university use they own institution standard of criteria and selection method.
The process of student data collection, registration, and implementation of university entrance selection in Indonesia, at the national level is carried out by Lembaga Tes Masuk Perguruan Tinggi (LTMPT) or the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute. All matters concerning the responsibilities of this institution and all information about study programs at all state universities in Indonesia can be accessed by the public on the LTMPT official website at the following link
At Unila the LTMPT function is held by Badan Pengelola Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (BP PMB) or the New Student Admissions Management Agency. All information about study programs at Unila, requirements and how to register, stages of the registration process, exam schedule, to the announcement of selection results are managed by this agency. All information that is under the responsibility of BPPM Unila can be accessed by the public via the internet on the following website
Admission for Master in Communication:
Admission for International Students